We apologise for the inconvenience, but our contact form sign seems to be shy. When we find it, it'll probably be in a state of irreparable mental trauma and it'll have to go in the psychiatric hospital for life, so, no, you'll have to live without.

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If you have any service inquiries, want to contact us for general inquiries, want to have an interview, report a faulty or broken product (i.e one that works), murder the makers of the company, it's merchandise or this website, have school or work related questions etc., then were sorry, you can't. Our email mysteriously crashed last Tuesday, probably because we got the site of the service from our mechanics.

If you want to praise us, give us tips, sing lullabies over the phone to us etc., then the email is useless-products@narod.ru.

All the best, the team.

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